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Preventive health Care -Under Skill Empowerment Self-employment program we are providing self care to our patients through our following courses. Health Care Assistance through Certificate Courses. Training......1]Preventive Health Assistance Trai

Wnho Patient’s Orientation Counselling WorkshopCourse Name: WNHO Patient’s Orientation Counselling Workshop. Register soon.Accreditation: CTAA, Conducted by WNHO-SWD [SexualWellness Department].Eligibility – Anyone above 18+. Course Organizer

Dr Ramesh Maheshwari, Best Sexologist in Pune, conducting Certified Sexology Courses in India, PG Diploma/ Fellowship, Masters in Sexology & amp; Psychosexual Counselling , Pune under Indian Society Of Sex Medicine. More Information WhatsApp 982200

WNHO Institute of Cosmetology & amp; Skin Care. CoursesSkin analysis WhatsApp 9604715783.1) Normal skin (PH 5.5 to 5.6)This type of skin is relatively, unfortunately, rather rare. It is balanced between dry and oily skin but tends to go drier as

PG Diploma in Sexology and Psychosexual Counseling.For More Info WhatsApp- 9604715783/9359863878.The History of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  Cognitive-behavioral therapy was invented by a psychiatrist, Aaron Beck, in the 1960s. He was doing psyc

Master in Sexology and Psychosexual Counseling.For More Info WhatsApp- 9604715783.Goals: To help reduce the level of anxiety when confronted with a stressful situation To help bring about a meaningful change in the client and function more succ

WNHO Institute of Cosmetology & amp; Skin Care.PG Diploma /Fellowship , Masters in Cosmetology. More Info WhatsApp-9822006427.DEDICATION TO STUDENTS.The Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Cosmetology (PGD by WNHO), Fellowship in Cosmetology & amp;

WNHO -Indian Society Of Sex Medicine WhatsApp 9822006427.Male Orgasm.Orgasm and ejaculation, though co-occur are two separate entities.Orgasm can occur in the absence of ejaculation and vice versa.ETIOLOGY – causes.1]Dislike for a partner, 2]
